Life is short – Buy the ticket!
I have always wanted to travel, but I never knew quite where to start. I convinced myself I didn’t have enough money, or enough time or the kids were too little, or I was too busy – I just never quite made it. In 2014 my step-father invited us all to Italy with him, and said he would pay for lodging if we could get ourselves over there. I had started saving airline miles a few years earlier, and knew I had enough to take my girlfriend and oldest daughter on the trip. We went and I fell in love with the idea of seeing other cultures and having amazing adventures! We started slow, but are on track to take five big trips this year – four of them international! I regret the fact that I started traveling so late in life and I don’t want that to happen to you. I have created this site to take away some of the anxiety of trip planning, by posting Travel Tips and things I’ve learned along the way – Think of it as Traveling For Dummies! I’m including blogs of our trips so you can come up with some amazing vacation ideas of your own. Travel can be affordable, you just have to know how to plan. Whether you’re 19 and you have an amazing sense of wanderlust but don’t know where to start, or you’re 40 and you feel like life is passing you by, this site is for you…. So let’s get started! If you want to see the latest Blog posts, click on “Blog” above. Want to see some general travel tips like what to bring on a cruise, or tips and tricks for booking an AirBnB, click “General Travel Tips” above …… and remember – Life is short, buy the ticket!
Days til our next adventure … New York City
Trips on the horizon – New York City 2025, Iceland 2025
Recent trips – San Antonio, 2024, Finland & Estonia 2024, London & Wales 2024, Middle East – (Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi 2024
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
-Mark Twain